Serving Eagle County Since 2003

How To Get Pee Out of a Mattress?

Mattress Cleaning


Finding pee stains on your mattress is bad enough. But if you don’t treat them quickly, they can become permanent—and expensive—ruins of your mattress. Fortunately, there are ways to get the stains out and save your mattress from an early burial.

Call the experts at A&M Group Inc

If you’re at the point where you have tried everything, we recommend reaching out to us at A&M Group Inc. We’ve been cleaning mattresses for 20+ years, and we can help you get rid of the stain. We have the right tools and experience to get the job done right—and we’re available 24/7!

1) Buy an enzyme cleaner.

  • Buy an enzyme cleaner

Enzyme cleaners work by breaking down the proteins in the urine and preventing them from bonding with your bed. The best enzyme cleaners are designed to be safe for children and pets, so they won’t hurt your mattress either.

  • Follow the directions on the bottle of enzyme cleaner

2) Use cold water to keep the urine from settling.

Once you have removed as much urine as possible, it’s important to rinse the mattress with cold water. The cold water will prevent further absorption of the urine into the mattress, which can lead to lingering odors and stains. If there are still visible signs of urine on your mattress when finished rinsing, you may want to consider using a stain remover before drying off your mattress.

3) Soak up as much urine as possible with paper towels or washcloths.

Now that you know what to wear and have a plan of attack, it’s time to get to work!

  • Gather your materials
  • Remove as much urine as possible with paper towels or washcloths.
  • Soak up as much urine as possible with paper towels or washcloths.

4) Blot the area dry again.

  • Blot the area dry again.

Use paper towels or washcloths to blot the affected area in a circular motion until no more liquid remains. This will help prevent any additional damage to your mattress and keep you from rubbing any urine deeper into its fibers. That’s it! Your mattress should now be stain-free, with only minor discoloration from the original accident (which can be removed using the steps above).

5) Apply the cleaner to the mattress and cover it in plastic wrap.

Next, apply the cleaner to the mattress and cover it in plastic wrap. Allow it to sit for at least one hour, or overnight for more severe stains.

After you’ve let it sit for an hour, carefully lift off the plastic wrap and check on your progress by lifting up a corner of the mattress. If there is still urine present on your mattress after one hour of soaking, repeat steps 3-5 until there is no visible stain left on your mattress.

If you’re lucky enough not to have any remaining stains after only an hour, congratulations! You’re ready to move onto step 6: removing odors with deodorizer spray or vinegar/baking soda solution

6) Remove the plastic wrap and use a cloth to wipe the cleaner away.

You can use a cloth to wipe the cleaner away. Don’t use paper towels, as they will leave lint behind. Using a vacuum cleaner won’t help either, as it will spread the urine further into the mattress and make things worse.

7) Continue blotting until no liquid remains.

Once you have blotted the area with a clean cloth, continue blotting until no liquid remains. Do not scrub or rub, as this may spread the stain into other areas of your mattress. Do not use paper towels, toilet paper or sponges to clean up urine because these materials are likely to leave behind lint and stickiness that will attract more pet hair and dust particles onto your mattress. Do not use any cleaning products other than an enzyme cleaner; even if they’re marketed as “pet-safe,” anything else could be harmful to your pets’ health.

There’s no reason why you can’t get rid of pet stains on mattresses! Using these tips will help keep your bedding looking great for years to come!

Mattresses are expensive, and you can save a lot of money by acting quickly to remove urine stains from your mattress as soon as they happen.

Mattresses are expensive, and you can save a lot of money by acting quickly to remove urine stains from your mattress as soon as they happen.

  • It’s not just the mattress that is expensive—it’s also the bed frame.
  • The longer urine sits on your mattress, the harder it will be for you to remove it with home remedies or commercial cleaning products.


A mattress is a big investment, and you want to be sure it lasts for as long as possible. But if your mattress is stained with urine, it could be ruined. The good news is that there are several ways to get the stain out so that you can use your bed again without worry or embarrassment.

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